
2022 共畫愛之語 場次1報名表 | Painting exercise for love languages【registration 1】

講師 Instructor: 王絲綦老師 Teresa Wang
時間 Date&Time: 2022/04/21 (Thur.) 12:00-13:30【提供便當 Lunch box will be offered.】
地點 Venue: RB101, NTUST

驗證碼圖片 驗證碼語音播放器

※ 凡報名者需保證全程參加;報名未到或未全程參加需補交活動費用NT$300。報名成功並全程出席者,無需繳交任何費用。
※ 參加者需遵守防疫規定與措施,主辦單位保有調整、更改或取消活動之權利。

People who register the workshop have to guaranty to attend the workshop on time and participate in the whole course.
     In case of being late or absent, an activity fee of NT$300 should be paid.

※ According to the regulations, all participants must wear face masks in class. 

 The organizer reserves the right to cancel, postpone or make changes to the workshop.