
2021 人文講座:人道救援之路-無國界醫生 Introduction to Médecins Sans Frontières

中文演講 Lecture in Chinese
人文講座: 人道救援之路 - 無國界醫生 Introduction to Médecins Sans Frontières
講者 Speaker: 鄭巧鈺 Chiao-Yu Joanna Cheng from MSF
時間 Date & Time: 2021/03/05 (Fri .) 12:20-13:10 (Please be on time.)
地點 Venue: IB202, NTUST

  • 抱歉!報名人數已額滿,感謝您的支持!

    It's full-up.

※ 配合防疫措施,參加者需配戴口罩聽講,麵包餐盒課後發放

※According to the regulations, all participants must wear face masks in class.
Please be on time. Lunch box will be offered for participants after the speech.